achondroplasia Archive

  • There are few things more smug than pedigree dog breeders who drink the AKC koolaid.  Not only do they believe that they are achieving high art through mindless ribbon and […]

    AKC: Hierarchy of Pedigree Smugness

    There are few things more smug than pedigree dog breeders who drink the AKC koolaid.  Not only do they believe that they are achieving high art through mindless ribbon and […]

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  • There are three common and valued genetic conditions in dogs that result in stunted growth: pituitary (ateliotic) dwarfism which results in proportional minis, micromelic achondroplasia which results in shortened limbs, […]

    Dwarf Dogs

    There are three common and valued genetic conditions in dogs that result in stunted growth: pituitary (ateliotic) dwarfism which results in proportional minis, micromelic achondroplasia which results in shortened limbs, […]

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