sine qua non disease Archive

  • A sine qua non disorder is one that is both universal and definitional within a breed.  To remove the genes that cause the trait, disorder, dysfunction, or disease would fundamentally […]

    Sine Qua Non Dog Disorders

    A sine qua non disorder is one that is both universal and definitional within a breed.  To remove the genes that cause the trait, disorder, dysfunction, or disease would fundamentally […]

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  • It is clearly torture to gouge out an animal’s eyes with a stick, to drill a hole through their backs into their spines, to hobble their legs and stunt their […]

    Torture Breeding

    It is clearly torture to gouge out an animal’s eyes with a stick, to drill a hole through their backs into their spines, to hobble their legs and stunt their […]

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  • There are three common and valued genetic conditions in dogs that result in stunted growth: pituitary (ateliotic) dwarfism which results in proportional minis, micromelic achondroplasia which results in shortened limbs, […]

    Dwarf Dogs

    There are three common and valued genetic conditions in dogs that result in stunted growth: pituitary (ateliotic) dwarfism which results in proportional minis, micromelic achondroplasia which results in shortened limbs, […]

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